Genomics is the first step in the aquaculture value-chain.

BluGen Olive Flounder Juveniles

Frontline Sustainability.

As the world farms more fish, genetic recession caused by excessive inbreeding causes slower growth, less resistance to disease, and higher pre-harvest mortality rates.

BluGen develops genetically competitive broodstock that can lay healthy offsprings that are necessary for sustainable fish farming.

Deep tech: deep impact.

No inbreeding. No genetic recession. BluGen’s non-GMO, precision-breeding program sees up to 20% improvement per generation on growth efficiency & disease resistance.

The strongest broodstock.

2,000 breeder fish composed of 300 different families: via BluGen’s world-class breeding program. This 8th-generation broodstock is capable of producing the healthiest offsprings for large-scale fish farming.

BluGen’s intellectual properties—beyond patented technologies, methodologies, and know-how—are protected by time: it takes years, if not decades, to cultivate a strong broodstock through a well-developed breeding program.

30+ years of passion in value-chain aquaculture.

In genomics.

  • Since the goal is to improve the most valuable traits (phenotypes), such as growth rate, FCR, and disease resistance, the index of the best families and individuals within are identified and ranked.

  • Using BluGen DNA chips, large amount of samples—up to 60,000 SNPs (genetic variations)—can be analyzed in a short amount of time. BluGen identifies genetic markers and mutations that are related to various traits and diseases.

  • Minimizing environmental impact—such as feed, growth environment—BluGen grows-out candidate fish in the same tank and selects the best performing fish for further analysis (using DNA chips). A proprietary statistical model is used to calculate heritability and breeding values of each fish for the target traits. This process is repeated for multiple generations.

In efficient growth.

  • BluGen has a proven track record in vaccine development, which has applied patented tech to produce flounder seeds with significant reduced mortality against Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS). R&D for treatment for Scuticocilatosis, a major disease in aquaculture flounder, is in progress.

  • BluGen has experience in developing proprietary feed formulas for more efficient growth (lower FCR) and better economics (cost of grow-out). BluGen’s proprietary RAS-friendly extruded feed formula is mainly plant-based, produces an FCR of 1.1, and costs up to 30% less than competing feeds.

  • Sterilization inhibits gonadal maturation and vigorous metabolism during the spawning period, allowing energy recovery to be achieved, resulting in increased meat quality, feed efficiency and growth, enabling faster and larger growth. Sterilized fish and shellfish production technology prevents gene leakage and increase economic feasibility of farming fish and shellfish.

And taking these to production.

Affiliates & Partners.